Forhad Hossain

Md Forhad Hossain
(BA-Hons, MBA, LL.B, LL.M)
Managing Director

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Forhad Hossain

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Small business ideas in Australia

Remember, new small business ideas in Australia, Melbourne and Sydney can generate something big in the end. A small venture may turn into grossing millions one fine morning. A small venture may return little but still, you can buy your bread and butter without putting your head into your hands. The business that not only succeeds but prospers financially isn’t easy to copy. Otherwise, everyone would be doing it.  Being a country with a very stable economy, Australia is a very productive country for small businesses. According to the MYOB Business Monitor, business confidence is growing in Australia, especially among small businesses. Of course, the challenge of accommodating costs of business is there too along with the rosy promises in the horizon as far as Australia is the subject. A small business stays out of this while making money.

So if you are looking to start a business in Australia, here are business opportunities you can try one of these 10:

Waste recycling

Environmental protection is taken very seriously in Australia with the Clean Energy Act. Waste recycling is a business of the day and can do with reasonably low capital burden even. The business is to collect wastes and recycle these into other useful by-products.

Click Store

In this digital age, online stores are going almost fifty-fifty with Brick N Mortars. Busy city life and the heavy traffic forcing the city dwellers to shop online. Everything, from grocery to managing events is on sale online and crowds are stumbling upon to click and looking for their merchandises of interests. You need one very responsive and user-friendly web store with wide range of products or services for immediate delivery.

Body fitness center

Peoples are getting very conscious about their physiques, nutrition and overall fitness. And in these context men and women are alike. If you are an expert in health and hygiene can try to start a consulting business along with training facilities. This should be a combination of a gym and nutrition centre giving total health care and tips other than medications. You can introduce memberships free or with fees to organize and manage your clientele.

Herbal product sales

Peoples now inclined to herbals or plant based medicine and beauty products to a great extent. The preference of herbals over synthetic or chemical drugs is multiplying. You can start an herb farm and grow herbs for sale or source for herbs from other countries like China that you can import for sale. If you yourself is an expert in herbals or plant based treatments you can run these business with precision.

Small business ideas in Australia

 Food Court

This is almost common small business ideas in Australia, Melbourne and Sydney, even any country. Foods never let you die. One of three basic necessities of the human race is food. All you need is to deliver quality foods with reasonable prices. Being a cook yourself is simply fantastic to start one right away in your neighborhood or in shopping or business areas where crowd gather. You can either start a mobile catering business or a fast food business to cater for the busy residents of Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide who barely manage times to cook eatables. You may serve ready food with a fixed menu or can serve to order depending on your capability and scope.

Become a Florist

The appeals of flowers are universal and in a modern society peoples exchange flowers to express their feeling about an occasion. Flowers are also used in official gatherings, parties, festivals and in home decorations marking some occasion. You can start a florist shop to sell fresh flowers on the spot and can also add a home delivery to your services. A free membership or with a provision for monthly subscription program can also be introduced to deliver flowers to people’s homes on a daily basis on demand.

Open a Laundry Business

Laundry business is another thriving and profitable business that can successfully start and manage in a neighbourhood. You can operate this successfully from your home even. It would be great if you can collect laundries from the neighborhood and deliver these on your own. All you need as capital machineries like tumbler washers and dryers preferably in 1: 3 ratios, hydro extractor, pressing irons and boards. Apart from these, you are to keep stock of detergents, brightening agents and a small transport in case you opt for home deliveries of laundries.

Cleaning Services

This is another promising small venture you can try in your neighbourhood. You don’t have to compete with big guns in the industry. Just start with your neighbourhood cleaning homes and small offices to keep you afloat without facing any competition in the beginning. You can rest assured that the cleaning industry will be going bigger with time in countries like Australia. So, be a part of it before it is late. You may start it being smart small business ideas in Australia, Melbourne and Sydney.

Become a Social Media Manager

As the virtual world gets momentum thirst for increasing presence on this is never-ending. If you do have good knowledge and interest on various social media platforms, then you can start a business of managing social Medias (SMM) for several busy business executives, own blogging, politicians, government officials, pastors, E-commerce, affiliate marketing, celebrities and public figures.

Interacting with the viewers or customers on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube is very important for the marketers now. Almost all small and big businesses have fan pages or Channels on these platforms. Events, campaigns are going on regularly on these Medias. To manage the fan pages and the events or campaigns online corporate houses outsource these to the independent firms usually called an agency. It’s a very smart business with healthy returns. You need a few work stations with internet connections visualizers and some account executives other than the corporate clients.

Persistence never tires and the hope never ends. Success is not and has never been an easy catch. A brilliant idea may go into ashtray if lacks proper nourishment. A poor idea seems, in the beginning, may turn into a healthy one returning you more than you even could think of. Just give your best and see how it reacts.

Do you like to register a new Pty ltd company in Australia as foreigner, contact us.

Our services: (1) foreign Registration of a company (2) income tax (3) accounting (4) audit (5) business advisory

Find us: Melbourne, Sydney (Australia)

Article Reviewed By

Md Forhad Hossain

(BA-Hons, MBA, LL.B, LL.M)

Meet Md. Forhad Hossain – is an expert in company registration with over 14 years of experience. He has helped more than 400 businesses in Malaysia and over 7,000 clients from around the world start their journey successfully.

Forhad is passionate about making business registration simple and stress-free. His knowledge and dedication have earned him the trust of entrepreneurs worldwide.

If you’re looking for someone to guide you, Md. Forhad Hossain is the name you can Rely on.



Business Consultant Since 2012