Forhad Hossain

Md Forhad Hossain
(BA-Hons, MBA, LL.B, LL.M)
Managing Director

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Today, we will discuss about the process & fees of private and public online limited Registration in Bangladesh. This information is updated for the year of 2022 and for the foreign and local companies. And, S & F Consulting Firm can guide on how to search for a name of a company in RJSC, fee of Registration, and obtain an incorporation certificate from ROC. Do you know required time of private limited Registration in Bd ? It is unlike to company name Registration Bd that is valid for 30 days. As name Registration in Bangladesh is one step of Registration in Bangladesh. 

Limited company registration cost in Bangladesh

Fees of company name Registration is Taka 200 and Registration cost in Bangladesh is minimum Taka 15000.

Which one is perfect for foreign entrepreneurs to incorporate a company? It is of course a private limited company as foreigners are not allowed to incorporate a sole proprietorship company in Bangladesh.

One person company is allowed for the local entrepreneurs. No local partner or shareholder is needed to register a limited company in Bangladesh. Foreign shareholders can hold a full percent of the shares of the company.

There is a condition of a minimum of 2 shareholders and a maximum of 50 shareholders can purchase a share of the company in Bangladesh. The shareholders are directors as well by law if they qualify for the requirement of being directors.

Type of Companies in Bangladesh 

There are several Business entities you can register in Bangladesh. Registration of a company in Bangladesh for foreigners is easy. The following companies can register online:

  • Private Limited Company in Bangladesh/ Subsidiary
  • Public Limited Company in Bangladesh 
  • Sole proprietorship Company 
  • Branch Office/ Representative Office 

Visit to know more

Process-of-Registration Download

Private Limited Company in Bangladesh 

This is the most common type of Registration in Bangladesh. The liability in this company is limited. 100% foreign ownership is possible in this type of company in Bangladesh.

Private limited company registration in Bangladesh

Registration of a company is completed by a minimum of 2 members or shareholders or directors.

One shareholder will hold the position as Chairman and another one is Managing Director by Company Act, 1994. But, all must get a clearance of name from RJSC before the start of online company submission.

Subsidiary Company 

This is an owned entity that is controlled by a parent company. The process of Registration of a company is the same as private limited. The parent company is permitted to hold the majority of shares of the Bangladesh company.

Subsidiary company registration in Bangladesh

Public Limited Company in Bangladesh 

The general public can hold shares in this type of company. The shares are usually on a stock exchange. Unlike private limited companies incorporated in Bangladesh, public limited company in Bangladesh requires 7 members minimum and 3 directors.

Public limited company registration in Bangladesh

However, there is no limit to shareholders. This Business entity can raise money from the public. 

Sole Proprietorship

An only a local person is eligible to register a sole proprietorship company. This is unlike LLC that partners will hold shares of the enterprise. One person or jointly sole proprietorship business is registered through a local city corporation.

Sole proprietorship business

There are 2 city corporations in Dhaka where a trade license is obtained to start this business. Those are living out of Dhaka city will apply to the local council office to get a Trade License to start a sole proprietorship business. Trade license fee depends on the nature of the business that starts from Taka 500 to 15000.

It takes 1-3 working days to get the original license from the city corporation by off / or online. They do not need to take additional permission from RJSC.

Branch Office 

Usually, foreign companies can expand their company in Bangladesh as a branch office. There is no minimum capital required for starting a branch office in Bangladesh.

Branch office registration in Bangladesh

There is no requirement for minimum members also. The foreign parent company must control this entity. This is unlike LLC a certificate of incorporation shall be issued.

Representative Office 

This type of entity is the same as a branch office. BO & Rep Office is registered mainly for marketing activities or research and development activities of the parent company.

This entity is also known as the liaison office. Same as the branch office, the representative office has no minimum members requirement and no minimum capital required. 

Prerequisites of Online Registration of a company in Bangladesh  

There are some categories that need to be fulfilled for Registration of a company in Bangladesh. Apply for a name clearance certificate from RJSC (app roc gov Bd) is at the first work : 

Pre- Registration Ins and out

  • Company name clearance
  • Directors 
  • Minimum Shareholders 
  •  Authorised Capital requirement 
  •  Paid-up capital 
  •  Registered business office 
  •  Encashment letter from bank (for foreigner)

Company Name Search For Clearance of Certificate

The name must be accepted before you can register a company in Bangladesh. Name search is the primary step of registering a company in Bangladesh. The selected name is valid for 30 days only and submit an extension before expiry if needed.

name is an identity

RJSC name search is free of cost to check availability. Said company name must be meaningful and mismatched from any other existing companies.

The process of a company name search in Bangladesh is to log in first in the RJSC portal and put your name in the search bar and submit it. A certificate of name clearance is issued from RJSC once approved.


There must be 2 minimum directors in an LLC as per the Companies Act, 1994. Minimum 2 directors is a  requirement of registering a private limited company in Bangladesh.

For a public limited company in Bangladesh, you must have more. The age restriction must be above 18 years old. 

Shareholding Information

A minimum of 2 shareholders has required the Registration of a company and the maximum is 50. The shareholder and director shall be the same person. Nonresident shareholders can hold 100 percent shares of the company as a local partner is not required by law.

Authorised Capital

This is a reserved share of the company taken in advance permission from RJSC on a payment basis. The authorized capital fee is paid to RJSC at the time of company incorporation.

Let, you have Taka 5 million capital in the reserve where Taka 10,00,000 paid to purchase a share of the company. You have a reserved share of the company in Taka 4 million. 

Paid-Up Capital 

Shareholders will buy shares from the company at a valuation rate. The purchased amount shall be deposited once the bank account is opened. Foreign shareholders must make a TT order to buy shares of the company.

Registered Office 

During the procedure of an online Registration in Bangladesh, the company must have a registered office. A physical address is required in a commercial place as the residence area is restricted to use as a business address.

Issuance of certificates from RJSC

The following certificates/documents are sent to email once a company is incorporated successfully:

  1. Incorporation Certificate
  2. Form XII
  3. Memorandum & Article of Association

Required documents for a Registration of a company

Required documents for a company registration

The following documents are needed as guidelines of RJSC : 

  • General information of the shareholders as passport copy
  • Pre-board meeting resolution that must contain share allocation, position, bank signatory and objective clauses. 
  • Inward remittance letter from the bank in terms of foreign shareholding company
  • Shareholder’s colour photograph 
  • Signature by shareholders in RJSC forms to allocation shares
  • Signature on form XII (particular of the directors)

Necessary RJSC forms

  1. RJSC Form XII (Particular of the directors)
  2. Form 117 (Share transfer)
  3. Form Fifteen (Return of allotment)
  4. Minutes of the first board meeting
  5. RJSC MoA Subscription & Form IX
  6. RJSC Schedule X

Post Registration Information

Directors of a company or representative must be updated about some other procedure after company incorporation.

Post registration responsibilities

Applicant must obtain some licenses to complete a Registration procedure:

  • Obtain Trade license from City Corporation 
  • Apply for income tax certificate (BIN)
  • Vat Registration certificate (VAT)
  •  Membership from Chamber of Commerce from chambers like DCC, FBCCI, India, Bangladesh, etc. (for export import businesses)
  • Import Export license is required as part of registering a company.
  • Factory Plan approval
  •  Fire certificate (for factory setup)
  •  Manpower license (for factory setup)
  • Approval from the water and waste management department (factory setup)
  • In case of the work permit application, BIDA permission is required for all companies.


Time Requirement for a Registration

We have a concern to complete the Registration process at the earliest. To prepare documentation, RJSC online submission, payment and physical meeting with RJSC officer are facts of time-consuming: 

Time requirement of company formation in Bangladesh

License / Approval Particulars Duration
Incorporation Certificate MoA, AoA, and Forms 7 Days
Trade License Trade License copy with Photo 2-3 Days
TAX Identification Number (TIN) TIN is a must for all companies 1 Day
VAT VAT is a must for all companies 7-10 Days
Membership from the chamber of commerce All Export and Import companies  5-30 Days 
Import and Export License (IRC, ERC) Only for Export and Import Company 7-15 Days
Fire License For all Factory and corporate 7-15 Days
Factory License Manpower Approval 3-10 Days
Bostro For cloth factory business 7-10 Days
Branch Office Branch permission for 2-5 years 30 Days
BEPZA / BIDA Branch open permission for 3-5 years 30 Days

Registration of a company Fee in Bangladesh 

The nature of your business will determine the amount of the fees and costs of Registration of a company in Bangladesh. The estimated cost of the Registration is given in the table: 

Category Nature of Business Expected Cost (Taka)
A Service and General Trading Company Less than 60000
B Relating to Export and Import Company Less than 120000
C Relating to Export, import and Manufacture Less than 400000
D Branch and Representative Office Less than 60000
E Employment and Investor Visa Less than 50000



Foreign shareholders are requested to take free advisory before Registration of a company as to start a business in Bangladesh is bit different than other country? Non-residents are permitted to register a company in Bangladesh holding 100 percent of shares of the company.

S&F Consulting Firm is prominent in business consultancy to guide foreign entrepreneurs setting up business. Foreign customers are requested to have a free consultation to clear the whole procedure of Registration in Bangladesh. 


How to check Registration of a company status?

Well, anyone can check through the ROC GOV BD website but registered users can check easily in detail after log in.

Visit App Roc Gov Bd, to check. And, check the registered email to get updates if any changes are made.

What is the Registration of a company number?

Each incorporated company gets a Registration number from the RJSC office as the identity of the company. This identification number is available only in the Incorporation Certificate copy.

What are the basic required documents for registering a company?

Well, basic documents of a company are a) Passport of the shareholders 2) Address, email, contact number, and name of parent 3. Signature on the RJSC forms

What is an encashment letter?

A letter is issued by a local bank against equity (TT) purchases by foreign shareholders. Deposit cash in the bank to receive encashment or remittance letter from the bank is totally denied.

What is the meaning of RJSC?

RJSC means is Registered of Joint Stock Companies and Firm that is an organ of government. All companies are registered through RJSC and all companies are liable also to submit annual returns to RJSC by law.

If any shares of the company are increased, sold and any changes are made in shareholding must update to the RJSC office.

What is the most profitable and rapidly growing business in Bangladesh?

RMG, sea fish, garments, leather, poultry, and food industries are the most profitable and fast-growing companies in Bangladesh.

Which foreign nation investments are the most in Bangladesh?

According to the 2019 FDI report, China seems to be the biggest investment partner of Bangladesh followed by South Korea, India, the UK, UAE, Malaysia, and so on.

How can expatriates remit money from Bangladesh?

It’s restricted unless has permission from BIDA, Income Tax Department, and Bangladesh Bank.

How much is the corporate tax?

It is clean 30% as FDI law and additional VAT is 5%-15% as NBR policy. Visit to know about Income Tax in Bangladesh

How to apply for a PI and E visa?

We have already discussed in above is requested to read them. You have to take permission from BIDA/ BEPZA following their guideline and investment of US$ 50k. Visit to know more about PI and E Visa application

Which banks are the best in Bangladesh for foreign investors?

We recommend Standard Chartered, City Bank (local), SBI (Indian bank), and Eastern Bank.

When it is needed to apply for a work permit?

At the end of Registration, apply for a work permit along with all documents and fees

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Article Reviewed By

Md Forhad Hossain

(BA-Hons, MBA, LL.B, LL.M)

Meet Md. Forhad Hossain – is an expert in company registration with over 14 years of experience. He has helped more than 400 businesses in Malaysia and over 7,000 clients from around the world start their journey successfully.

Forhad is passionate about making business registration simple and stress-free. His knowledge and dedication have earned him the trust of entrepreneurs worldwide.

If you’re looking for someone to guide you, Md. Forhad Hossain is the name you can Rely on.



Business Consultant Since 2012