Malaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious nation. Malaysia is located in South East Asia. Malaysia is one of the wealthiest and one of the most developed countries in the world. The Federation of Malaya gained their independence on 31st of August 1957. Malaysia definitely sounds like a peaceful country to live in.
However, there are a few problems leaving in Malaysia. So, before you decide to live in Malaysia you should know about some problems.
The cost of living in Malaysia is increasing rapidly. Recently, petrol prices hike up from RM 2.10 per liter to RM 2.30 per liter. There are some retail stores who are increasing the price of the products as well. However, the good and service tax also increases last year which is also having significant impact on most families.
There are many types of transportation available in Malaysia. But the increasing number of traffic is the primary problems of transportation. The government of Malaysia is working on the issues to reduce traffic. Using public transport in Malaysia will take a long time to reach form one destination to another. You need to be careful while using public cabs. Because the cab driver does not use the meter and charge extra rates. Besides that, the trains in Kuala Lumpur are very packed during rush hours. However, the traffic in Kuala Lumpur will start at 7:00 am until 9:00 am and 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm.
Malaysia has a tropical rain forest climate. It has average temperature of 27˚ Celsius. The temperature can rise up to 33˚ Celsius during the day time and fall below 20˚ Celsius at night. Other its rains often. Due its climate variation, people may get sick instantly. Aside from that, people will experience haze. It happens when there is an open burning done in certain areas. So, if you visit Malaysia for the first time you will experience several tremendous changes and one of it is the weather. During the month of May monsoon start from south to west and stays up to September. However, the monsoons sweep from North to East from November to March.
Malaysia is considered as a safe country. There is no violent crime in Malaysia, but sometimes robberies and assaults happen. Most of the foreigners become the target of crimes like pickpocketing, purse snatching, etc. Sometimes the thief uses a knife to shock the victim. There are many crimes depending on the area located. That is why the majority of the condominium’s or business building has high-security guards to guard the premises.
Many foreigners visit Malaysia frequently for business purpose. Foreigner faces difficulties while communicating with Malaysian because of the language barrier. Malaysia’s common language is known as Bahasa Melayu which is spoken among local Malaysians. Most of the Malaysian cannot speak English well. So, it is necessary to learn the local Malaysian language if you decide to move to Malaysia.
One of the problems living in Malaysia is the rising of property prices. It applies for both rental and purchases of property. The reason behind that is because in Malaysia, safety is their concern. Therefore, most of the property either landed or condominiums should have a guardhouse or gates.
Searching for a car park especially in Kuala Lumpur is not easy. It usually takes 10 to 15 minutes to search for a parking slot. The parking fees, especially in office buildings, are expensive which range from RM 3.00-5.00 per entry or per hour. There are some parking apps, which you can use to find the parking slot easily.
There are some problems living in Malaysia. So, before you decide to live in Malaysia, you should read this article. This article describes some major problems you might face if you move to Malaysia. So, its is necessary to take precaution before any risk occur. You may want to know about how to get a business visa in Malaysia.
See how to open a company in Malaysia - SDN BHD
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