Forhad Hossain

Md Forhad Hossain
(BA-Hons, MBA, LL.B, LL.M)
Managing Director

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Forhad Hossain

Customer Service

Australia Foreign Company Registration

Our service area: Australia foreign Registration of a company/ Pty limited Registration of a company in Australia, Melbourne, Sydney

  • Manages business license, permissions of trading, branch office Registration
  • Guide on foreign direct investment policy (FDI),
  • Accounts and audit preparation, income tax and business advisory.

Registration of a company in Australia for Foreigner

  • Approval office of investment promotion grant to the applicants for Registration of a company in Australia for foreigner;
  • Registration process: Ensure institution name , a place what shall be used correspondence, MOA, Papers those are attested by the person of government endorsed, business licensing to start a business;
  • And others are needful permissions including ministry approval if required registering private limited Registration of a company in Australia;
  • Filling up multiple forms and submit application to government registrar body;
  • All several require documents including business information interpretation in English is obligation
  • Confirmation of government fees to bank for a fresh entity Registration;
  • Envoy shall be residence of Australia
  • Submit financially viable data of the firm to the authority as direct investment policy
  • Jointly venturing creation is not discouraged here.
  • To setup commerce three (3)open promoters can go with as law in Australia
  • Maintain share register book and share allotment letter.
  • Security and Investment body are the supreme authority to consent of fresh industry setup in Australia Foreign Registration of a company;
  • Register office as lease or rent and contact detail of directors and company
  • Corporate Tax 30 (thirty) percent;
  • ASIC is authority of approval so send relevant papers as want in right way;
  • Like other country annually accounts report have to submit to justify expenditure and revenue gaining with payment of taxation;
  • Lots of overseas investors catch eyes to invest here and government welcome them to begin industry;
  • Those non Australians does not want to establish business in big size are preferred setup representative office;

Note: We provide Registration of a company service in Australia for foreigner, only.

Pty limited Registration of a company in Australia

A Pty limited foreign Registration of a company in Australia, Melbourne, Sydney can operate either with a permanent structure or a temporary one in one of the following ways;

  • Establishing a Proprietary or Limited Liability Australian company
  • Registering as a foreign company
  • Acquiring an Australian company
  • Establishing a Branch or a Representative office

The Registration of procedures of a foreign limited liability company [LLC] or a Branch are same. The Registration of the foreign company or branch with the ASIC [Australian Securities and Investment Commission] as follows;

 Reserving a company name

First the company is required to apply to reserve a name filling the Form 410 in case the foreign company wants to become an Australian LLC. In case the company intends to be registered as a foreign company it has to check its name whether available or not in Australia to register this requiring are some hours but no cost. Once a name is approved, it can be retained for as maximum as two months. Thereafter, the name reserved is required to be re-validated. There is a provision for changing the company name. A fee of AUD 395 will be charged for the same.  If the name proposed not available with ASIC to reserve, the application will be rejected and a request to refund of the application fee can be made.

  • The Certified copy of the Certificate of incorporation/Registration of the parent company.
  • The Certified copy of the parent company’s Memorandum and the, Articles of Association.
  • Memorandum of appointment of the local agent or power of attorney in favor of the local agent [The Form 418]. In the Australia, a registered foreign company or the branch must always have a local agent. A local agent of a registered foreign company:
  • is responsible for any obligations the company must meet, and
  • May be liable for any breaches or penalties.
  • Memorandum stating the powers of certain directors or the head of the branch

Applying for Registration with ASIC Form 201

The application for Registration of a company in Australia, Melbourne, Sydney as LLC or Branch is to be submitted to ASIC through the completed Form 201. A fee for AUD479 filling is required to pay in this connection. Once the Registration is done the Australian Securities and Investment commission will provide the applicant company with the Certificate of Formation. Together with the Certificate of Formation a 9 digit Australian Company Number [ACN] will be assigned to the registered foreign LLC and a 9 digit Australian Registered Business Number [ARBN] to the Branch. Following are the documents required by ASIC along with the application [Form 201] to furnish with notarization:

Registering for Australian Registered Body Number [ABN] with the Australian Taxation Office [ATO]

The Registration for the Australian Business Number with Australian Taxation Office is mandatory for foreign Limited Liability companies whose yearly turn-over is AUD75, 000 or more, in line with the provisions of Income tax Assessment Act and the Goods & Services Tax [GST] of 1999. Well, the taxation requirements of companies may vary with the business types of the companies and their locations.

The application for the Registration for Australian Business Number can too be done online at the Business Entry Point by logging on. In case the online Registration is successful, the applicant-company will be provided with an ABN following the end of the Internet session. If the application is submitted manually or in person, Australian Taxation Office will send the ABN thru mail in about 28 days of filling the application.

The processing would take less than a day [if applied online] but no charge.

Signing up for Worker Compensation Insurance at an insurance company

This is a statutory formality for the companies who have employees under payroll in line with the provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Act of 1987 and the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act of 1998. In Australia, the workers compensation insurance is compulsory for employers. The premium of the insurance depends on the types of business of the companies regulating risk factors.

This processing would require 1 working day and no charge.

Once a company is registered, the office bearer of the company must ensure that;

  • The company’s name to be on display as long as the company conducts business.
  • All the company documents must bear the ACN or ABN provided. A company can use their ABN number instead of the ACN on the documents since the ABN includes the ACN as the last 9 digits of the 11 digit number.
  • The document of the company must be kept up to date

Annual Accounts

A registered foreign company and the branch as well must file its annual accounts [for the operations worldwide, not just the Australian operation] in the prescribed manner with the ASIC.

Applicable Income Tax Rate for foreign LLC or branches

The rate is as same as applicable to a Limited Liability Company. Currently in Australia, all companies are subject to pay taxes on their taxable incomes at a federal tax rate of 30%.

Representative Office

In case a foreign company plans to maintain its presence in the Australia in a limited manner, it can so do by establishing a representative. A Representative or liaison office is simply keeping its presence to bridging the Australian clients with its parent company. In no way, it is allowed to do any business or sign contracts that generate revenues. It can be operated by a single person.

The mandatory provisions to be followed by a Branch or Representative Office

Once the foreign company branch office is registered, a unique nine digit [9] ARB number [Australian Registered Business Number] will be assigned. This ARBN must appear on all the public documents of the branch.

The branch, as well as the Representative office must have the Company name outside of office and place of business and keep it open to the public. If the parent company of the branch or the Representative office is not a bank or any financial institution that collects deposits, must also show the country of origin of the foreign company branch or office.

Branch Office Open in Australia

Following supporting papers are required for branch office open in Australia:

  • There are different approval papers of the mother corporation with attested by embassy.
  • Meeting decision from sponsors.
  • Power given a human who shall proceed taking liabilities in favor of mother organization.
  • Foreign branch office shall be permitted upon application with complete documents and fees to Securities & Investment Commission in Australia.
Article Reviewed By

Md Forhad Hossain

(BA-Hons, MBA, LL.B, LL.M)

Meet Md. Forhad Hossain – is an expert in company registration with over 14 years of experience. He has helped more than 400 businesses in Malaysia and over 7,000 clients from around the world start their journey successfully.

Forhad is passionate about making business registration simple and stress-free. His knowledge and dedication have earned him the trust of entrepreneurs worldwide.

If you’re looking for someone to guide you, Md. Forhad Hossain is the name you can Rely on.


Business Consultant Since 2012